A root and branch review of Scotland’s governance arrangements is needed to address the increasing unsustainability of local authority finances since devolution, a panel of experts has told the...
High service demand, rising costs and the large ringfencing of budgets could see 24% of Scottish councils issue Section 114 notices next year, the Local Government Information Unit has said.
Proposals to raise council tax rates for properties in the highest bands in Scotland shy away from the fundamental reform local taxation needs, researchers have said.
Poor funding settlements and a perceived lack of respect from the Scottish and central government have prompted Orkney Islands Council to explore new governance arrangements, including potentially...
Local councils need ‘radical change’ to keep delivering for the people of Scotland, according to a recent report from the Accounts Commission. So, what about adopting a rights-based approach to...
Scottish National Party members have supported a motion calling for local authorities to be allowed a more permissive environment to raise revenues to help fund services.
The Scottish Government has will extend the 100% business rates holiday for the whole of the next financial year, following further UK government funding.
Significant sums of public money are at risk as financial controls within councils come under increasing strain, according to the public spending watchdog for Scottish local government.