Councils in England will be required to provide more information on reserve levels to the government, in a bid to improve Whitehall's understanding of financial risks.
A senior MP has questioned whether the new 'system leader' for local audit proposed by the government will possess the expertise to deal with the complexities of the sector.
HMRC needs to make fundamental changes to how it collects tax, as compliance is expected to drop as a result of Covid-19, according to the Public Accounts Committee.
Excessive staff turnover in the civil service is costing the taxpayer up to £74m a year in recruitment, training and lost productivity, according to a think-tank.
A NHS England primary care contract with Capita has been branded a “shambles” by MPs who are demanding a change in the way health chiefs approach outsourcing.
The Department for Transport’s rail franchising model is “broken”, the Public Accounts Committee concluded in a report looking at two major franchises.
The government’s response to school teachers quitting the profession in England has been “sluggish and incoherent”, according to the Public Accounts Committee.
The NHS is failing to recover enough money from overseas patients because its current systems are “chaotic”, MPs on the Public Accounts Committee have said.
The government has been accused of appearing soft on the super-rich by employing dedicated personal advisors to help high net worth individuals manage their tax affairs, the public accounts committee...
A government project to build a commercial airport on the UK overseas territory of St Helena at a cost of £285m was a “fiasco” that “unquestionably failed” taxpayers, the Public Accounts Committee...
International lawmakers have signed an open letter urging their governments to pursue greater tax transparency following a summit on the issue in the UK today.
The government has been urged to improve the evaluation of spending on apprenticeships in order to maintain the “crucial distinction” between quality and quantity.
The Treasury sold assets of the old Northern Rock bank without a business case, failed to consider the buyer’s tax domicile and ignored a bank’s conflict of interest, according to a review by the...