Poor audit work ahead of outsourcing giant Carillion’s collapse undermined the “credibility and the public trust in audit” and have prompted the Financial Reporting Council to issue KPMG with a...
Independent analysis of procurement bids received by Transport for London would help ensure projects provide value for money, a scrutiny body has said, adding that it could help the Greater London...
The Financial Reporting Council has fined accountancy firm Deloitte over material misstatements in the 2016 financial statements of outsourcing company Mitie.
External auditors have criticised North Norfolk District Council' weak internal control measures and failing to comply with its financial regulations over the commissioning of an independent review.
The government has spent almost £3bn on personal protective equipment not fit for purpose, and is currently disputing another £2.7bn of payments with suppliers, according to the National Audit...
Suffolk County Council has agreed a £700m joint-venture with property developer Lovell Partnerships, to provide almost 3,000 homes over a 15-year period.
The Cabinet Office has dropped proposals for some changes to post-Brexit procurement processes, after councils complained that they need the ability to tailor contracts for health and...
The Competition Markets Authority says a proposed merger between two waste management companies could inflate costs, reduce competition and lower the quality of local authority services.
Nottingham City Council’s internal audit department has criticised the authority’s procurement processes, after financial regulations were waived on more than 20 occasions.
The Financial Reporting Council has filed a formal complaint against accountancy firm KPMG, in relation to allegations of supplying false and misleading information to the regulator's review of...
New procurement rules will require all bidders for central government contracts to have signed plans to reduce their net carbon emissions to zero by 2050.
The government failed to meet standards of transparency on its emergency Covid-19 procurement, according to an investigation by the National Audit Office.
Peterborough City Council is to review the running of cultural and leisure services in the city, following the termination of its outsourcing agreement and transfer of responsibilities for running...
Public sector contractor and outsourcer Capita has revealed problems with its restructuring, reporting a £62m loss during 2019 and a 4% reduction in revenue.
A new body to regulate outsourcing deals of public services is much needed to ramp up quality of provision and keep costs under control, says Joshua Pritchard, senior researcher at Reform
A range of primary care services fell below acceptable standards because NHS England and Capita failed to understand the risks of outsourcing key back-office support services, the National Audit...
The collapse of Carillion at the start of this year was “almost inevitable” given the model of outsourced service delivery pursued by successive governments, MPs said today.
A diverse group of public service experts attended a CIPFA round table discussion to consider how outsourcing can be made to work better. Vivienne Russell reports.