The next government will have just days to avert a crisis in the prison service, with English and Welsh jails on the brink of running out of places, a leading think-tank has warned.
The prison system in England and Wales is “enduring a crisis of safety and decency”, as violence increases and self-harm has soared to record highs, a scathing justice committee report has found.
The government may be talking tough on criminal justice but the government’s current plans do not address how to improve standards in prisons and will leave a hole in their budgets, writes the IfG’s...
Young people are not being helped to reintegrate into society after being released from young offender institutions, a report by HM Inspectorate of Prisons and HM Inspectorate of Probation has found.
Record highs in prison assault and self harm levels in England and Wales have sparked calls for new prime minister Boris Johnson to invest in prison safety.
A reduction in child arrests is obviously good for the young people themselves - but also for public services, says the Howard League for Penal Reform’s Andrew Neilson.
Overcrowding, underfunding and a high staff turnover have left English prisons “in crisis”, with rising levels of violence, reform campaigners have told PF.
A trade union leader has attacked the decision to fund pay rises for a million public sector workers from existing departmental budgets for spelling further cuts to jobs and services.
Prisons in England and Wales are “full to bursting”, underfunded, understaffed and recent reforms have “failed miserably” to address problems with the service.
The government does not know the extent of the mental health problem in prisons nor how much it will cost to address, the National Audit Office has found.