Proposals to freeze the recruitment of police staff in Scotland will worsen conditions for existing employees and could leave services at unsafe staffing levels, bodies representing those staff have...
Hundreds of thousands of public sector workers will get a pay rise now the government has accepted pay review body recommendations, but not funding that pay rise with extra money will mean services...
The lack of funding for police forces to recruit support staff has left officers undertaking aspects of these roles instead, risking community policing and value for money, an expert has warned.
Proposals to limit the response to emergency mental health calls will save “well over” 10,000 officer hours a month, Metropolitan Police chief has said.
Fraud seems “like an afterthought” in courts and policing when it comes to funding, leaving services unable to deal with the rising scale and complexity of cyber crime, a group of MPs has said.
The Scottish Police Authority was unable to balance its budget for the second year running and remains financially unsustainable, Audit Scotland has warned.
Councils in England are set receive to an additional £30m to fund measures including Covid-19 marshals, to ensure the public and businesses follow coronavirus rules.
CIPFA’s police adviser Alison Dewhirst outlines the effect the pandemic has had on policing, and argues that forces need proper funding following the upcoming Spending Review.
While the government’s ‘unprecedented’ investment in policing poses a recruitment challenge, it also represents an opportunity for police forces to rethink their approach to crime...
The number of individuals prosecuted through the criminal justice system in England and Wales hit record lows last year despite rising crime, data has shown.
The business case behind the creation of Scotland’s single police service was not robust, according to a parliamentary report, which has identified “systematic problems” facing the force.
Police forces in England and Wales are struggling to maintain an effective service as the government fails to ensure they are financially sustainable, according to the public spending watchdog.