The £25bn injection for the NHS announced in the Budget will not lead to an overnight transformation in the quality of healthcare, sector leaders have cautioned.
Sir Julian Hartley explains that NHS trusts are making productivity gains despite the huge pressure they are under, and urges the next government to end the funding brinkmanship providers have now...
New guidance on embedding digital infrastructure is welcome, but further funding is required to meet upscaling needs, says Margaret Steward, policy and projects officer at NHS Providers.
Health services in England will receive billions more in funding for the remainder of 2021-22 to help meet Covid-19 costs, but service leaders have warned of “one of the most challenging winters”...
NHS England will need a further £10bn next year, to help cover Covid-19 costs without the need for service cuts, according to two leading health bodies.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak is coming under intense pressure from NHS providers to commit more funding to help the service recover from Covid-19, according to reports.
A survey by NHS Providers of 143 trust leaders in England found that 82% think that restrictions on capital funding pose a medium or high risk to patient safety.
NHS Providers’ Miriam Deakin explains why 15 health organisations came together last month to write to the prime minister to call for action to create a sustainable social care system.
In these times of financial constraint, setting up a wholly owned subsidiary should continue to be a tool in the box health trusts can use, argue NHS Providers’ David Williams and Adam Wright....