Network Rail could be forced to make yearly cuts of around £100m in maintenance spending up to 2023-24, leading to a reduction in services and greater safety risks for passengers,...
Sustainable Transformation Plans are shrouded in secrecy and the government is ‘selling the family silver’ without a thought for the long-term consequences. So says Meg Hillier, chair of the Public...
Government proposals to improve the coordination between different parts of the rail industry may make sense, but they are unlikely to be enough to drive real change
Transport secretary Chris Grayling has today set out reform plans for the rail network that will see state-owned Network Rail work more closely with train operators under new franchise agreements.
A government review into Network Rail’s structure is likely to herald more diversity in rail delivery across the country, which could unlock innovation
Network Rail has agreed a plan to improve delivery of major infrastructure projects after a transport watchdog concluded it was in breach of its licence conditions due to cost increases in some...
A government review is considering reforms to the state-owned rail company, including possible privatisation. There are a number of options that the study must consider.
Network Rail has been fined £2m after being found to be in breach of its licence by the rail watchdog following disruption to services in both London and Scotland.
Regulators have launched an investigation into the performance of government-owned Network Rail after finding it had failed to meet a series of targets in its multi-billion pound upgrade programme.
The government is to receive £68m in payments from transport firm First Group to operate the Great Western rail franchise for three-and-half years to April 2019.