The UK could be “punished” by the European Union if it tries to lower corporate tax to attract business after leaving the bloc, tax avoidance campaigner Dame Margaret Hodge has told PF...
Attempts to stamp out global tax avoidance are being undermined by countries negotiating low-tax sweetheart deals. How should the system be cleaned up?
A cross-party group of MPs are to try to push the government into cleaning up the UK’s tax havens, which include some of the most notorious in the world.
Civil service reform should be a government priority in order to tackle waste and increase accountability, Dame Margaret Hodge, former chair of the Public Accounts Committee, has said.
An all-party parliamentary group has claimed the international proposals to combat global tax evasion do not go far enough and may create new loopholes that could be used to not pay the correct...
A cross-party group of MPs and peers has called on the public to submit their contributions and ideas on how to make the tax system fairer and more transparent.
No mayor in the capital has yet taken seriously the body that is meant to hold them to account. It needs extra powers around spending and laws to give it the teeth needed for an age of devolution
The Public Accounts Committee has criticised the work of Revenue and Customs, warning that the tax collection agency continues to have ‘too cosy’ a relationship with accountancy firms and...
The chair of the Public Accounts Committee has accused the Department for Education of ‘an alarming reluctance’ to work with local authorities to improve services for children in care.
The government’s ‘lax approach’ to the regulation of private higher education has led to almost £4m in public money being given to ineligible European students in loans and grants, the Public...
Whitehall incentives for local authorities to tackle Housing Benefit fraud and error are weak and being compounded by cuts in funding available to councils to administer it, the Public Accounts...
A decision by the Department for Transport to centrally procure trains for the East Coast, Great Western and Thameslink lines has left taxpayers bearing all the risk of a £10.5bn programme, the...
The NHS is in a financially unsustainable position following a deterioration over the last two financial years, the National Audit Office has concluded.
The straight-talking chair of the Public Accounts Committee is well known for taking no prisoners in pursuit of the public pound. She talks to PF about going after tax dodgers, how to take on Ukip...
The credibility of the Treasury’s Whole of Government Accounts continues to be ‘undermined’ by a number of errors and omissions that should be rectified, the Public Accounts Committee said today.