Councillors have reluctantly agreed to approve Nottingham City Council’s 2024-25 budget despite concerns over a lack of local power over decision-making.
Existing council spending pressures and the lack of long-term funding certainty could put the government’s 10-year reform programme at risk, the National Audit Office has said.
Soaring demand for adult and children’s care and a “fundamental structural problem” with funding have created a forecast budget gap of £100m in 2024-25 and led Somerset Council to declare a financial...
A severe housing shortage and lack of sustainable funding to replace sold social homes have forced councils to spend more than £1.7bn putting people into temporary accommodation, the Local Government...
The removal of rural bus routes has forced authorities to provide unsustainable ‘demand-responsive’ services and prompted the County Councils Network to call for additional money.
A proposal to freeze council tax next year risks “compounding councils’ ongoing underfunding”, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities has warned while criticising the lack of engagement with...
Sustained public investment and devolution of local transport powers will reduce car use, improve road and rail connections and help meet climate change goals, the National Infrastructure Commission...
Continued high demand following more than a decade of funding cuts could put outer-London boroughs at risk of issuing Section 114 notices in the next 12 months, a senior officer has said.
Insufficient government funding combined with high service demand and rising costs have put the finances of London boroughs on a “knife edge” with a projected £500m funding gap next year, leaders...
Rising care demand without additional government funding could put Coventry City Council at risk of a Section 114 notice next year, a senior councillor has warned.
Growing care demand and rising costs following a decade of underfunding have created a forecast £132m gap in Hampshire County Council’s finances by 2025-26.
UK towns will receive £20m of funding over the next decade to improve local transport, reduce crime and encourage high street regeneration in a bid to reduce regional inequalities.
Financial pressures at Derbyshire County Council are “greater than ever experienced before” and have prompted the authority to propose stopping all non-essential spending to try to deal with a £46.4m...
The absence of funding reforms and rising costs have restricted council finances and could prevent authorities from hosting major sporting events such as the Commonwealth Games, an expert has said.
High inflation and rising service demand could put Suffolk County Council in a “financially challenging situation” next year and at risk of an intervention from its finance director.
A “broken” local government funding system has created an £8.5m gap in Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s budget, putting the authority at risk of a Section 114 notice.
Spending controls are needed to help Kent County Council meet a forecast £44m budget gap this year, as it works to cut overspends in adult social care and children’s services in the long term,...
The government’s failure to distribute local police, public health and council funding according to differing levels of need risks worsening regional inequalities, working contrary to its supposed...
The cost-of-living crisis and stalled progress on a mass transit system have prompted Bristol City Council to abandon a proposed workplace parking levy for the time being.