Councils have welcomed the extra £1.3bn earmarked for local government in the Budget, but warned that without greater certainty over funding in the longer term, the outlook for local services remains...
Excessive staff vacancies and rising turnover are putting “unsustainable pressure” on council finance teams, with pay being the main barrier to attracting qualified candidates, according to CIPFA...
The government is being urged to take “immediate and decisive” action to tackle a workforce crisis in adult social care that is putting councils under mounting financial strain.
Council development projects face a “cliff edge” if the government does not renew a multibillion-pound fund before it abruptly ends next year, the sector has warned.
Welfare funding at almost three in five councils will not be replaced if an £820m hardship scheme comes to an end in September, the government has been warned.
England’s local authorities need billions more pounds to deliver crucial services to the growing number of people who need them, the next government has been warned.
The Local Government Association is bolstering its peer feedback system for councils, hoping to “dispel the idea that it can all be very cosy and not as constructive” as it should be.
Devolution deals and extra cost-of-living support were welcomed, but the Budget failed to address systemic funding issues in local government, sector bodies have warned.
The government ending an “essential lifeline” for low-income households would create a “cliff-edge” in support because councils do not have the resources to keep it going themselves, the Local...
The government must provide authorities with enough funding to boost housebuilding, councils have said, in response to a report that warned the private sector will be unable to fix the housing crisis...
An inadequate funding settlement means councils face “serious challenges” including further cuts to balance their 2024-25 budgets, the Local Government Association has said.
England’s largest independent children’s care providers recorded profits of £310m in 2021-22, according to the Local Government Association, prompting renewed calls for greater government oversight.
A severe housing shortage and lack of sustainable funding to replace sold social homes have forced councils to spend more than £1.7bn putting people into temporary accommodation, the Local Government...
Reserves will soon fall below the minimum threshold at Maldon District Council without action to curb spending, and a Local Government Association review found the authority needs a “robust” plan to...
The statistics collected by the Office for Local Government “do not add value” beyond the current level of information gathered by councils, local leaders have said.