The funding gap for local councils is estimated to be £1.4bn lower than previously forecast, according to research from the Local Government Association.
Public sector contractor and outsourcer Capita has revealed problems with its restructuring, reporting a £62m loss during 2019 and a 4% reduction in revenue.
Tenants have received discounts of almost £5bn to help purchase council house properties since the raising of right to buy discounts in 2012, according to the Local Government Association.
An additional commissioner is likely to be sent into troubled Northamptonshire County Council after Ofsted found children’s services have “significantly declined”.
General election manifestos must commit to giving local councils the funds they need to provide vital services, the Local Government Association has said.
The public is becoming increasingly disengaged with devolution despite its political priority for the government, research from consultancy firm GK Strategy has found.
Education spending by Scottish local authorities increased by 2.7% in real terms last year in spite of persistent teacher shortages and claims of under-resourcing, according to official annual...
There should be a switch in how the government accounts for benefit spending as part of moves to introduce a “welfare earnback” for councils that can help people into work, a report has recommended.
The Public Accounts Committee’s warning that devolution is hindering public spending scrutiny reveals a deeper challenge at the heart of the project: reform of Westminster itself
Local government funding cuts are to ease in the years to 2019/20 compared to the last parliament and will be more evenly distributed across authorities, an analysis by the Institute for Fiscal...
Plans to shake up the current business rates appeal process and protect councils from speculative appeals have been published for consultation by local government minister Marcus Jones.
Local authorities faced some unenviable choices when Council Tax Benefit was devolved to town halls. Evidence is now emerging of the impact of the reforms.