New prime minister Liz Truss has been urged by council leaders to stand by her pledge to allocate more funding to social care as inflation bears down on their authorities’ budgets.
The government is close to approving two capitalisation directions worth £12.8m to help Eastbourne Borough Council meet funding gaps caused by Covid-19.
Councillors at Lincolnshire County Council have rejected the option of using the 3% increase to the adult social care precept next year which was announced during the local government settlement.
The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead has approved an action plan after a CIPFA report highlighted a lack of transparency around the financial implementation of capital schemes.
The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead has been warned it could be forced into a section 114 notice in a CIPFA report which found a flawed process for setting reserve levels.
CIPFA has proposed a modification to its guidance for councils under budgetary pressure due to Covid-19, to give them the time and space to explore alternatives to freezing spending via section 114...
The housing, communities and local government select committee has confirmed it will scrutinise council finance - after PF reported its plans last month.