Local government secretary Robert Jenrick has hinted that the government could introduce council tax and business rate reimbursement schemes to help local authorities deal with the financial...
Spelthorne Borough Council has received 90% of its March quarter rent due on its commercial assets, despite the economic disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
The framework governing capital investment by local authorities has been tested to breaking point by councils borrowing cheaply to invest in commercial property, according to a recent NAO report.
Lending between councils has dropped as councils look to keep hold of cash due to concerns over the coronavirus pandemic, according to treasury adviser Arlingclose.
Councils should be doing more to cut carbon emissions and tackle climate change, according to a campaign group, as it released research on local authorities’ green credentials.
Focusing on residents as the primary users of local authority accounts can bring transparency and clarity and drive better decision-making, says Newham council’s Conrad Hall.
The rising number of children in care places “huge demand” on councils and reinforces the need for greater funding for children’s services, council leaders have said.
A PF snapshot survey has revealed 93% of councils across England are planning to borrow more against their housing revenue account now the cap has been lifted.
More than 1,000 head teachers from across England marched today and delivered a letter to the chancellor to convey their concerns about the state of school funding.