The government faces a warning that its plans for greater consolidation of LGPS assets risk weakening returns, as well potentially creating conflicts of interest and undermining democratic...
Major Local Government Pension Scheme consolidation is on the cards as part of a radical shake-up of the pensions market aimed at generating long-term investment.
Robustly analysing climate risks will be critical if local government pension scheme funds are to withstand intensifying regulatory pressure, local authorities have been told.
Higher investment returns across the Local Government Pension Scheme should not lead to reductions in employer contributions, despite sector-wide financial constraints, the Scheme Advisory Board has...
The potential for an auditor intervention over the accounting for a £70m loan has forced Plymouth City Council to apply for exceptional government support.
Low investor confidence in the UK and the need to direct domestic money to development projects mean the UK Infrastructure Bank wants to work “much harder” to bring sources of public finance together...
LGPS funds should keep an eye on developments as the country, and the world, move towards net zero, writes Iain Campbell, senior investment consultant at Hymans Robertson.
The government has published statutory guidance seeking to restrict the level of exit payments made to local government employees above statutory or contractual limits.
A new procurement framework for Local Government Pension Schemes has been launched, with the organiser saying the ability for funds and pools to procure quickly and efficiently has “never been so...
A county council has decided to write off more than £2m in overpayments made to retired members of its pension scheme, saying to recover them would not be cost effective.
A Local Government Pension Scheme pool that handles assets for 11 local government pension schemes has launched a second series of its private markets programme, including a distinct climate-related...
A United Nations official acted outside of his powers in advising Local Government Pensions Scheme funds to divest from companies linked to the Israel-Palestine conflict, a legal group...
Local government pension schemes face tough decisions on ridding themselves of any Russian investments, according to the secretary to the LGPS Scheme Advisory Board.
MPs have approved changes to a public pensions bill, allowing the government to issue guidance preventing investments that conflict with defence policies.
The government faces four key challenges if it wants to meet its aim of getting Local Government Pension Schemes to step-up investment in regional economies as part of 'levelling up', says...
The government’s long-awaited 'levelling up' white paper is set to reveal a “new plan” for the Local Government Pension Scheme to invest billions of pounds in local projects, according to...