Growing pressure means nearly half of England’s upper-tier councils will struggle to balance their budgets within two years and are likely to need government support, a survey of chief executives has...
The Local Government Association is bolstering its peer feedback system for councils, hoping to “dispel the idea that it can all be very cosy and not as constructive” as it should be.
Data collected by the Office for Local Government often lags behind that collected by councils and is currently not providing value for money, the Local Government Association has claimed.
Persistent high inflation and rising service demand have added another £1bn to council funding pressures in the next two years in just three months, the Local Government Association has warned.
Urgent spending cuts are needed to avoid a section 114 notice at Hastings Borough Council this year because of ballooning temporary housing costs and near-exhausted reserves, the Local Government...
The Local Government Association has defended its corporate peer challenge process after being questioned over a 2019 report praising the approach that led Woking Borough Council to a financial...
Gloucester City Council has “done remarkably well” to deliver services despite being hit by a cyber attack that caused widespread disruption across the authority, a sector body has said.
Councils need additional income-raising powers and longer-term funding allocations in order to run sustainably, so the local government settlement remains a missed opportunity, senior figures in the...
The government has been urged not to blame social care capacity for delays to hospital discharge, and to ensure the sector has enough funding to meet demand.
A proposed temporary override to financial reporting on councils’ infrastructure has been welcomed by the sector as an opportunity to take a step back and sort out one of the major problems facing...
Rising prices and wages have been tipped to cost councils an additional £3.6bn in two years’ time, putting pressure on authority budgets and risking the need for them to cut services.
The Fire Brigades Union and the Local Government Association have urged the government to stop dragging its feet over ‘pension justice’ for fire workers following the landmark McCloud...
Guidance released today advises public bodies to exit contracts with Russian suppliers, but PF has learnt that local authorities might have to wait until after Easter until they get legal powers to...
The government is assessing additional grants or further council tax flexibilities to help fund the burgeoning social care deficit, according to a report in the national press.
Cambridgeshire County Council will need to establish a clear strategy on council tax after missing out on much-needed income in recent years, according to the Local Government Association.
Council tax support is expected to cost councils an additional £586m this year, 7% more than the £500m allocated through a dedicated fund announced in March, according to the LGA.
Local authority expenditure on Covid-19 dropped in August to £567m, down from £594m in July, according to latest statistics from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
The upcoming Comprehensive Spending Review should outline £10.1bn in funding for local authorities up to 2023-24 to help meet funding gaps and increased demand on services, the Local Government...