An outdated funding model has pushed councils into a financial crisis and requires fundamental reform – not simply increasing the reliance on a regressive council tax system – a group of MPs has said.
The recent Section 114 at Nottingham City Council was due to “13 years of Conservative decline and failure” and not poor leadership, the authority’s leader has said following criticism from levelling...
Some councils have been overstating their financial woes, levelling up secretary Michael Gove has claimed, as authorities deal with rising demand and high costs.
Pressure on council finances has led to instances of aggressive action to recover council tax arrears, prompting MPs to urge the government to clarify regulations to prevent unnecessary distress.
Councils are likely to receive an above-inflation funding settlement for 2024-25, a senior civil servant has said amid sector-wide concerns over resources.
Insufficient data means the government has no understanding of what departments and combined authorities are spending on levelling up, MPs have warned.
Delays in allocating post-European Union funding to Northern Irish departments have had “serious consequences” for organisations reliant on the funding, senior civil servants have warned.
The lack of sufficient data on how much local authorities received from government grants makes it impossible to scrutinise the success of funding, Clive Betts, chair of the Levelling Up, Housing and...
Ministers should consider scrapping the final round of the Levelling up Fund and use the money to provide funding to current projects that risk being cut because of inflation, an expert has told MPs.
Local authorities need additional central government funding to cover the cost of inflation and care needs to save the sector from “the brink of collapse”, a parliamentary committee has warned.
Levelling up secretary Michael Gove was unable to confirm how the government will fund the proposed expansion of the right-to-buy scheme, but urged MPs to “watch this space”.
Clive Betts, chair of Parliament's Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee has urged the government to provide additional funding to help authorities mitigate services pressures stemming from...