Soaring inflation is likely to put two-thirds of the government’s missions outlined in the Levelling Up White Paper at risk of failure, academics have warned.
North Yorkshire County Council will be ready to double council tax payments levied on second homes to raise additional funds it hopes would help it address an “affordable housing crisis”, once new...
Proposals to give local authorities flexibility on how they spend levies charged on development projects could give councils the “easy option” to reduce local investment, MPs have warned.
A council in south east England has discussed its high debt levels with the government, amid concerns it could fall foul of proposed capital risk interventions.
CIPFA has welcomed government proposals to take greater intervention powers over council finances, saying they could help identify potential problems at an earlier stage.
The local government secretary will get new powers to direct asset sales and borrowing levels at councils deemed to be at financial risk, under a clause in this week's Levelling Up Bill.