Debt-ridden Slough Borough Council has decided to sell three pieces of land owned by a joint-venture company because it believes developing them would add too much to its already-high borrowing.
Suffolk County Council has agreed a £700m joint-venture with property developer Lovell Partnerships, to provide almost 3,000 homes over a 15-year period.
The London Borough of Merton is set to relinquish property sale income on a £1.2bn joint-venture, after a funding gap emerged in the project last year.
The London Borough of Bromley will provide £20m of its own resources for a joint-venture aimed at providing 300 homes at affordable rent for residents.
Powys County Council has agreed to wind down a housing maintenance joint-venture next year, halfway through the original contract term, and insource the services.
Harrow Council has agreed to create a regeneration joint venture worth up to £600m with developer Wates Residential, with plans including a new civic centre, school and up to 1,500 homes.
Bristol City Council has relaunched a tender for a partnership deal to help with the decarbonisation of energy in the city, after the initial process was criticised by bidders.
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council and Hampshire County Council have signed a contract with developer Urban and Civic to deliver a £1.2bn housing project.