Over 300,000 people have been pushed into poverty by rising mortgage interest rates, according to a new report warning policymakers could be misled by poverty statistics which mask the true scale of...
Labour’s promise of beefed-up employment rights should not be seen as a “free lunch” for workers, and could push down wages and lead to job losses among lower-paid employees, the Institute for Fiscal...
Progress towards eradicating regional inequalities has been “glacial”, driven by patchy policy initiatives and the absence of stable long-term funding, according to a leading think-tank.
As the main political parties set out their policy stalls in hastily written manifestos, the focus will be less on the headline announcements than what is left unsaid.
Neither the Conservatives nor Labour are serious about reducing the level of national debt, the Institute of Fiscal Studies has said, accusing both parties of avoiding the harsh reality of spending...
Scrapping a key economic generation programme to help fund a new national service scheme would see the poorest parts of the UK lose “hundreds of millions” in essential funding, according to the...
The UK will be forced to raise taxes if its public spending levels continue to match those of other developed nations, according to the latest international analysis.
Government spending plans remain within a fiscal rule to show debt falling as a share of the economy in a few years’ time, but this largely relies on fuel duty rising – a prospect described by a...
The government's fiscal credibility is at risk amid the possibility it announces pre-election tax cuts or spending later this year – on top of an upcoming Budget already based on ‘fiscal fiction’ – a...
A proposed real-terms cut to capital budgets risks exacerbating school maintenance backlogs and shows the government does “not care about the state of school buildings”, a union leader has said.
The government has only met its target to show debt will fall by “pretending” certain measures, including the fuel duty freeze, will end this year, economists at the Institute for Fiscal Studies have...
Additional funding to maintain and improve the NHS estate would play an important role in improving performance and productivity and stop staff working around a huge backlog, researchers have said.
A proposal to freeze council tax next year risks “compounding councils’ ongoing underfunding”, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities has warned while criticising the lack of engagement with...
The government might lose around £15bn a year by 2032 if it decides to ditch inheritance tax, economists at the Institute for Fiscal Studies have warned.
A growing share of income coming from wealth and property is set to widen inequality between households and hurt social mobility, the Institute for Fiscal Studies has warned.
The long-awaited NHS long-term workforce plan will fail to meet ambitious productivity targets without sustained investment in capital, technology and management, the Institute for Fiscal Studies has...
The government’s failure to distribute local police, public health and council funding according to differing levels of need risks worsening regional inequalities, working contrary to its supposed...
Government spending has become more progressive in recent decades, but current plans have put this trend in jeopardy, the Institute for Fiscal Studies has said.
The improved teachers’ pay offer will do little to reverse the real-terms cut to salaries since 2010, researchers at the Institute for Fiscal Studies have said amid strike action.
Higher life expectancy could see pension and social care costs exceed more than a quarter of government spending over the long term, the Institute for Fiscal Studies has warned.