Decent homes in the UK are in short supply. Kate Henderson, National Housing Federation chief executive and the voice of social housing, tells PF that the crisis can be solved.
The UK’s social housing model is too reliant on providers making sales to generate income, creating “conflicts of interest” in the system, MPs have been told.
It’s time to halt the merry-go-round of ministers and better resource local planning departments so we can focus on the country’s housing need, writes Jonathan Pearson.
The London Borough of Merton is set to relinquish property sale income on a £1.2bn joint-venture, after a funding gap emerged in the project last year.
Housing associations, councils and the mayor of London have called on the government to hand over £5.2bn to protect housing in the capital against the impact of a no deal Brexit.
The homes we live in can have a profound impact on our health and, by extension, on the finances of the NHS. Housing associations and care providers are being brought together to consider...
Housing association mergers can bring big benefits but are not always the right way to go. Here are some questions to think about before you start off down the merger path.
Cuts to social housing rents announced by Chancellor George Osborne will be of little or no benefit to most of the 3.9 million tenants in the sector, but will save the Treasury around £1.7bn, an...
Communities secretary Greg Clark has insisted that the classification of housing associations as public bodies will not lead to the imposition of financial constraints on the sector. He said he had...
The Office for National Statistics has today classified housing associations as part of the public sector, leading to an estimated £60bn increase in public sector net debt.
Further details of plans to sell high-value council houses to fund the extension of Right to Buy to housing association tenants has been revealed in legislation introduced to parliament.
Communities secretary Greg Clark has indicated he is willing to agree a deal with housing associations that would implement the government’s Right-to-Buy proposals for the sector without the need for...
Chancellor George Osborne’s decision to impose rent cuts on social housing providers in last week’s summer Budget has hit the creditworthiness of the sector, ratings agency Fitch has said.
Programmes run by the government’s Homes and Communities Agency supported the construction of nearly 180,000 affordable homes in the four years to the end of March 2015, it has been confirmed.
The government is to press ahead with plans to extend the Right-to-Buy scheme to housing associations tenants, despite warnings that this would hurt the public finances.