New and immediate mandatory housing targets for councils have come into force alongside a “common sense” approach to the green belt through the updated National Planning Policy Framework.
Building enough homes to house everyone on England’s social housing waiting lists would cost more than is spent each year on the NHS, according to a report from a property consultancy.
The government must remove the hurdles it has set down if it is serious about tackling the escalating housing crisis London is facing, writes Lewisham mayor Damien Egan.
A PF snapshot survey has revealed 93% of councils across England are planning to borrow more against their housing revenue account now the cap has been lifted.
The government cannot meet its housebuilding targets unless it scraps the borrowing cap on local authority housing revenue accounts to “unleash” council housebuilding, MPs have said.
New home starts in the past year have reached their highest level since the slump of 2009, according to housebuilding statistics issued by the Department for Communities & Local Government.
The government must aid a ‘renaissance in council housebuilding’ to help improve the quality of new homes, the Local Government Association said today.
February’s housing white paper “signalled government has started to understand some of the key issues” that hold back housing delivery, CIPFA conference heard from Eamonn Boylan,...
With developers and private landlords failing to provide enough suitable homes, councils are setting up housing companies to build homes of different tenures and costs
Housing minister Gavin Barwell has indicated that the government will look to provide greater flexibility in how funding to support affordable homes can be used.
The government is to create a £3bn housebuilding fund and directly commission homes on public sector land as part of plans to build more than 25,000 new homes before 2020, ministers have said.
Ministers have been urged to provide young people who are renting with mortgage deposits in order to enable them to get onto the property ladder, a report by the think-tank Localis has said.
Home ownership in England has fallen to a level last seen in 1986 thanks to rising housing costs and static wages, an analysis by the Resolution Foundation has found.
Councils should be reinstated as major builders of affordable housing to assuage the deepening housing crisis, a report by the Local Government Association has argued.
Councils have called for additional powers to charge developers council tax if they let planning permission expire without completing construction of new homes.
George Osborne used his Autumn Statement and Spending Review to double the government’s housebuilding budget and increase investment in infrastructure.
Housing is a political priority for the government, but it is vital that ministers do not just focus on homes to buy. Boosting supply across all tenures can help people choose the right option for...
A government target to build over 100,000 homes on public land represented “wishful thinking dressed up as public policy”, the Public Accounts Committee has said today, and ministers have no record...