Birmingham City Council has delayed its meeting to approve spending plans as it waits for a government decision it said is key to setting a balanced budget for 2024-25.
A central body with powers to oversee local authorities could help prevent disasters similar to the recent collapses in the sector, experts have told PF.
The government wants to step up its intervention in the London Borough of Croydon because, despite the council's hard work, it is continuing to not meet its best value duty.
A senior local government official has revealed the commissioners appointed to Thurrock Council will get additional powers to help turn the authority around.
Levelling up secretary Simon Clarke has fired a warning signal to councils that there will be “consequences” for perceived mismanagement following a series of high-profile government interventions.
Nottingham City Council has called the government’s announcement it could step in to run some of the authority’s services “clearly disappointing”, saying it is already making improvements by itself.