Finance ministers from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have expressed concerns over the financial implications the UK Internal Market Bill will have on devolved governments.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak needs to increase funding for local government in his forthcoming Budget if the government is serious about it's aim of 'levelling-up' the UK economy, says Paul Dossett.
Although education had some certainty for the next three years, other public services did not and some areas are still likely to feel the pinch of austerity over the next year, says CIPFA’s Don...
Ambiguity over the future of European structural funding post-Brexit has left economic development in Scotland, which benefits to the tune of €872m across the seven-year EU budget period, in an...
The police are often the first line of response, but as real-terms cuts continue, how can already ‘badly overstretched’ services possibly offer a response that meets public expectations? Emily Twinch...
Town and county halls in England will face a funding black hole of almost £8bn by the middle of the next decade, local government leaders warned today.
The NHS and adult social care sector should work more closely together – and the latter should be funded in a similar way to the health service, local government figures have heard.
Rules governing council borrowing could be loosened in the next parliament as part of moves to improve the integration of public services, ministers have indicated.
The Barnett formula needs to be scrapped as part of moves to ensure an equitable and sustainable distribution of public funding across the UK, a CIPFA submission to the Northern Ireland Assembly has...