Devolving control of some taxes to local authorities could harm the 'levelling up' agenda by deepening financial issues in poorer regions, a senior minister has warned.
A group of more than 30 voluntary sector leaders has set out a statement of principles for devolution across England that includes a call for greater involvement of voluntary organisations in local...
Funding for public services will become “highly variable” in many county areas under government plans to make councils financially self-sufficient by the end of the decade, government has been warned.
Locals councils have a “historic opportunity” to shape their financial futures by contributing to a funding review as part of business rates localisation, the communities secretary Greg Clark said...
The aims of the government’s devolution drive have multiplied, while the limits of centralised public finances are being exposed. More transparent ways of doing decentralisation are needed
Local government will need meaningful fiscal devolution in order to bring about transformation in transport, health, skills and other public services as part of the government’s devolution...