The Cabinet Office has dropped proposals for some changes to post-Brexit procurement processes, after councils complained that they need the ability to tailor contracts for health and...
Experts are sceptical that £2.6bn announced in the 2021 Autumn Budget and Spending Review to replace European Union support will be enough to meet previous sums.
As many as one in 20 local authorities in England risk financial failure as a result of a disruptive European Union Exit, according to a leaked government report.
The government has announced it is to allocate £220m of pilot funding to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund next year, to help local areas prepare for the full launch of the fund.
A think-tank has warned most forms of Brexit will damage the UK economy - while the Office for National Statistics has predicted borrowing will increase this financial year.
The UK is not bound by international law to make payments to the European Union after the end of Article 50 negotiations, a House of Lords committee has claimed.
If the UK leaves the European single market, the cost to the UK economy could be as much as 4% of GDP, according to a report by the Institute of Fiscal Studies.
New rules to combat corporate tax avoidance by multinational companies are to be adopted across the European Union after member states agreed a package of measures today.
Over twenty more nations will share details on the true owners of secretive companies after joining up to the anti-tax evasion initiative headed by Europe’s five largest economies.
The UK sent a total of £11.4bn to the European Union in 2014 and received £5.6bn in return, a net contribution of £5.7bn, government auditors have confirmed.
UK business leaders believe Britain is better off in the European Union, where it can push for a more effective, competitive and sustainable EU from within, according to research commissioned by UK...
The proposed Garden Bridge across the Thames is an object lesson in how political initiatives can rub up against technocratic process. Reforming EU procurement legislation could allow big ideas to...
Public sector borrowing in December was £2.9bn more than in the same month last year due to a controversial payment the government had to make towards the European Union’s budget, it has been...