A better-than-expected outlook for public finances is likely to give chancellor Jeremy Hunt headroom for tax cuts ahead of the general election, an economist has said.
The government has only met its target to show debt will fall by “pretending” certain measures, including the fuel duty freeze, will end this year, economists at the Institute for Fiscal Studies have...
Growing confidence in UK policymaking in the year following the mini-budget has prompted ratings agency Moody’s to revise its credit outlook for the UK back to ‘stable’.
Continued strong progress on reforms aimed at delivering financial stability and improving governance could see the improvement panel at the London Borough of Croydon exit within two years.
A lack of corporate focus and low capacity in the finance department at Thurrock Council have slowed progress on reforms to deliver financial stability, government-appointed commissioners have said.
The government will need to adopt permanent tax hikes or spending cuts to avoid debt soaring to more than 300% of GDP by the 2070s, the Office for Budget Responsibility has warned.
The government’s growing debt burden and high interest costs are a key risk to public finances and must be managed carefully, the National Audit Office has said.
Lower-than-expected spending on energy support and the government’s near-total abandonment of last year’s ‘mini-budget’ have led ratings agency S&P Global to revise up its outlook for the UK.
Higher borrowing costs and spiralling inflation amid weaker economic growth mean public finances have “materially worsened” since March, the Office for Budget Responsibility has said.
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has announced that the government’s fiscal statement will be delayed by more than two weeks, following the appointment of Rishi Sunak as prime minister.
Financial market instability caused by the government’s mini-budget has pushed Public Works Loan Board borrowing rates up to their highest point in a decade, piling more pressure on council finances.
The Scottish Government would rejoin the European Union and earmark up to £20bn in green infrastructure spending if an independence vote was successful.
The government’s package of tax cuts aimed at boosting economic activity are unlikely to stimulate enough growth to pay for themselves, and could lead to future tax rises or spending cuts, economists...
New chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s first ‘fiscal event’ to provide more details on the energy support package will take place on 23 September, PF understands.
The government’s energy cap is likely to lower inflation in the short term, but one expert warned that it might not yield longer-term savings on servicing the government’s large stock of interest-...
The government’s plan to temporarily cap energy bills for households and businesses will likely lead to higher borrowing and increased pressure on public finances, experts have said.
Government debt could peak at more than three times GDP over the long-term without tax rises or spending reductions, the Office for Budget Responsibility has warned.
The Treasury has defended itself against a think-tank’s claim that it spent billions of pounds more than necessary on interest on the government’s debts.
Crisis-hit Slough Borough Council has been instructed to sell the majority of its property holdings in a bid to get its finances back on a sustainable footing.