Slow progress in recovering incorrectly paid or fraudulently claimed Covid-19 business grants, could lead to a loss of almost £1bn, parliament’s Public Accounts Committee has warned.
Monitoring right-to-buy applications stopped the fraudulent purchase of 34 homes owned by Ipswich Borough Council and prevented more than £6m being lost last year.
Reported fraud nearly quadrupling in the wake of Covid-19, and the fact that the government looks unlikely to recover most of the money, could lead to fraud and corruption becoming more accepted, the...
The Home Office has no idea what other departments are spending on fraud, despite plans for cross-government collaboration, the National Audit Office has warned.
Poor understanding of fraud risks and the failure to set targets to reduce incorrect payments could see the government saddled with unacceptable levels of fraud in the benefits system, the Public...
The Treasury will spend £25m on a 'fraud squad' aimed at recovering funds wrongly given out in Covid-19 support schemes, with hopes the team will be up and running by the summer.
The level of fraud in the government’s Covid-19 loan schemes is around £1.5bn less than previously forecast, according to senior officials at the British Business Bank.
The former Cabinet Office and Treasury minister who resigned in January over the government’s measures to tackle fraud in Covid-19 loan schemes yesterday told MPs that officials and...