Labour leader Keir Starmer has pledged to use a “proper” windfall tax to fund council tax freezes for households in England next year if the party is elected.
London mayor Sadiq Khan has pledged £130m of funding to provide free school meals for every primary school child in 2023-24 to support families through the cost-of-living crisis.
Concerns over soaring private rental costs have prompted Westminster City Council to propose spending more than £80m to buy properties for temporary accommodation.
Nurses will strike in hospitals across most of the UK on 15 and 20 December after the government turned down more talks, but health secretary Steve Barclay has defended the current pay offer.
Jeremy Hunt’s much-trailed “difficult decisions” have led to real-terms cuts to public investment and seemingly very little for local government and most other services as interest payments eat into...
Fears of piling more pressure onto residents during the cost-of-living crisis have led Leicester City Council to scrap a proposed levy on workplace parking, but the council has warned that doing so...
Recruitment and retention issues have led to a 3% reduction in the social care workforce – the first decline in the sector since 2012, experts have said.
The battle between Scotland’s police officers and their employers has ended with a 5% deal – bringing them into line with other public sector pay deals.
Pressures stemming from the cost-of-living crisis and hitting future targets on net zero have been tipped to be key talking points at Public Finance Scotland this week.
The pace of inflation slowed in August for the first time in nearly a year, figures from the Office for National Statistics show, but prices still rose by nearly 10% in 12 months.
New prime minister Liz Truss has been urged by council leaders to stand by her pledge to allocate more funding to social care as inflation bears down on their authorities’ budgets.
Trade unions and council leaders are still struggling to reach an agreement on this year’s pay offer despite meeting with a senior minister, amid the looming threat of strike action.
The new prime minister would face a £23bn cost if they want to help shelter households from the ongoing cost-of-living crisis by scaling up a previously announced scheme with inflation, a leading...
A programme of a similar scale to the unprecedented Covid-19 employment scheme might be necessary to keep rising energy bills from pushing millions of people into financial desperation, according to...
Ministers should focus on supporting the poorest households through the cost-of-living crisis rather than implementing broad tax cuts, economists at the National Institute of Economic and Social...
The finance chief at Leeds City Council has predicted that more workers could come into the office once temperatures start to drop if their rising household energy bills mean they would save money by...
The lowest-paid workers at a city council could receive pay rises of over 9% this year as part of plans drawn up to help staff through the cost-of-living crisis.