No service will remain unaffected by the challenges ahead and there is no one-size-fits-all solution, but an organisation-wide approach is a good start.
The government is “playing catch up with inflation” and will need to rapidly step up its support package for households just to keep pace, although many people will still be much worse off, the...
Rising prices and wages have been tipped to cost councils an additional £3.6bn in two years’ time, putting pressure on authority budgets and risking the need for them to cut services.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced a windfall tax on energy companies’ “extraordinary” profits to help fund support measures aimed at helping people through the cost-of-living crisis.
Public sector borrowing fell in April as the recovery from the Covid-19 shock continued, but measures to ease the cost-of-living crisis remain “tricky” according to commentators.
The government has announced initial payments to help cover local authorities’ costs incurred when delivering the council tax rebate policy aimed at helping the public through the cost-of-living...
Public bodies could face pressure from growing direct costs alongside impacts from inflated prices for third party suppliers, according to the Office for National Statistics.
The government will fail in its ambitions to ‘level up’ left-behind areas of the country if it does not introduce measures to address the spiralling cost of living, a think-tank has said.
Prime minister Boris Johnson has promised to consider increasing universal credit in line with inflation, to mitigate the impact of soaring inflation on the cost-of-living.