Current levels of uncertainty across the NHS are unprecedented. As the dust settles on the Spending Review, the challenge for the finance community is to find a way to meet short-term financial...
Labour has said that cuts to benefit entitlements being introduced through Universal Credit mean controversial tax credit reductions have been “rebranded” by the government rather than reversed.
New plans to let local authorities keep receipts from sales of assets are welcome, but don’t go far enough in helping leaders make the most of their assets
Nine in ten nurses have said they would not have gone into the profession without the bursaries the government plans to scrap in 2017, a Unison survey has found.
Austerity will continue and both significant public sector cuts and some radical reforms lie ahead, the Institute for Fiscal Studies said in its analysis of yesterday’s Autumn Statement and...
The school funding system is to be overhauled and sixth form colleges are to be allowed to become academies, exempting them from VAT, chancellor George Osborne has announced.
The Office for Budget Responsibility increased its forecast for government borrowing this year due to the reclassification of housing associations as part of the public sector, but has predicted a...
George Osborne used his Autumn Statement and Spending Review to double the government’s housebuilding budget and increase investment in infrastructure.
Tax credit cuts have been scrapped and the police budget protected, George Osborne has announced in four-year spending plans that will slash Whitehall spending by an average of 19%, less than had...
Councils will be allowed to increase council tax by up to 2% in order to fund adult social care, chancellor George Osborne announced in his Spending Review today.
Half of council finance directors are less confident in the ability to deliver savings than they were a year ago, a CIPFA survey ahead of this week’s Spending Review has found.
Labour shadow ministers and seven council leaders have warned that cuts to local government are hitting those most in need of help and further reductions risk undermining the fabric of communities.
Chancellor George Osborne has struck devolution deals with Birmingham and Liverpool city regions, giving the areas control over infrastructure investment, transport and skills in return for the...
George Osborne committed to spending £100bn on infrastructure by 2020 as he launched of the National Infrastructure Commission today, with the programme to be partly funded by state asset sales.
The forthcoming Spending Review needs to provide more details on how devolution of powers to councils will be spread across the country, a senior local government figure has said.
David Cameron today set out a wide-ranging package of reforms to create a “smarter state”, with widespread devolution, a focus on early intervention, and integration of blue light services among the...
Local authorities and the voluntary and community sector serve the same communities and individuals. As further government cuts are likely in the Spending Review, it is in their mutual interest to...