Pressures stemming from the cost-of-living crisis and hitting future targets on net zero have been tipped to be key talking points at Public Finance Scotland this week.
CIPFA is to launch guidance on the governance principles for local government pension scheme asset pools following the submission of formal collaboration plans to government.
As budgets continue to dwindle, blue light services are having to collaborate to cut costs. A snapshot of how emergency services are working together shows this trend is likely to continue and...
Faced with some stark financial pressures, Burnley Council set up a strategic partnership with Liberata. This will provide opportunities to save money, secure growth and allow staff to assist other...
Today we publish Trailblazers 2016, the latest edition of the Public Finance Top 50, designed to recognise and celebrate individuals who have been making waves in public finance
Carolyn Williamson made savings by bringing in new ways to work rather than cutting back at Hampshire County Council. A focus on shared services, working with the police, fire and other organisations...
Local authority pension schemes will today submit plans to government to pool their assets into so-called British Wealth Funds, with seven proposals now set to be submitted for approval.
The Future-Focused Finance initiative has piloted a toolkit to help clinical and financial teams in the NHS build stronger working relationships and identify shared priorities
District councils must play a key role in forthcoming devolution deals by agreeing to take on a greater share of the cost of local economic development and early intervention projects, a report has...
The Cabinet Office and the Local Government Association have announced the nationwide expansion of the One Public Estate programme as part of efforts to cut costs by sharing offices and other...
The silos of Westminster and Whitehall are not impregnable. Hard-won lessons from the Total Place initiative point the way to improved public service alignment
London’s tri- and bi-borough arrangements prove the enormous potential for local government collaboration. You just need to be committed to the end result
It can feel like giving away the family silver. But information sharing is cost-effective and less vulnerable to error – and sharing knowledge with your partners can also save lives
Technology is removing the barriers of location, expense and speed to collaboration. Imaginative ideas – think Airbnb and taxi apps – don’t have to be confined to the private sector