UK government schemes to help with energy efficiency in homes need long-term commitment to allow the supply chain to respond, a procurement expert said.
Local authority net zero objectives are being hampered by a lack of funding, relevant skills and supportive government framework, delegates to the opening session of Public Finance Live 2021 heard...
The government has committed to publishing its Green Financing Framework, which will set out new criteria for funding of its forthcoming green bonds, by the end of this month.
Some funding streams available to help local authorities in England fund energy-efficient initiatives are actively working against reducing emissions, a local government network organisation said.
The government's recent procurement green paper can help authorities become more energy efficient, says Richard Hallewell, chief executive of CIPFA's Technology Procurement Association.
The Bank of England’s bond purchase programme is creating a “moral hazard” by funding companies which emit large amounts of carbon dioxide, according to a group of MPs.
As the implications of climate change gain a higher profile, councils seeking to cut emissions must be wary of doubtful schemes that could cost them both finance and their reputation.
Recent events have seared the need for climate action into the public consciousness, with 74% expecting local communities to react, yet revenue and capital shortages are likely to increase, write Mo...
As more and more councils recognise the severity of the climate crisis and devise ways to tackle it with support from residents, cost becomes a pivotal issue. Neil Merrick reports.
The UK should commit to spending £20bn to the UN climate fund until 2030 to pay its “fair share” based on the country’s historical contribution to carbon emissions, a think-tank has urged.
Panellists at CIPFA’s treasury and capital management conference agreed councils declaring climate emergencies need to back up this sentiment through investment strategies.
The Environment Agency has committed to becoming a net zero organisation by 2030 – 20 years before the target for the rest of the UK to cut nearly all carbon emissions.
Councils should be doing more to cut carbon emissions and tackle climate change, according to a campaign group, as it released research on local authorities’ green credentials.
Between 2010 and 2017 60% - £4.6bn - of the UK’s support for energy in developing countries went towards fossil fuel sources, according to analysis by the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development....
Public sector bodies must band together to tackle climate change as it is them who will pay the price for the effects of a climate disaster, delegates at CIPFA’s annual conference have been told.
The UK has committed to eradicating its net contribution to climate change by 2050, in a plan that will see it become the first major economy to set its zero emissions target in law.
Health minister Nicola Blackwood has announced up to £56m of funding for research into climate change, calling it “one of the biggest challenges” facing public health.