Poor governance led to a tramline exceeding its budget and saddling the City of Edinburgh Council with almost £250m of extra debt, an independent inquiry has found.
A charge on workplace car parking – the first of its kind in Scotland – could make millions for City of Edinburgh Council to invest in transport infrastructure.
Edinburgh City Council is set to allocate up to £9.25m per-year from 2024 to fund the expansion of its tram network, following reduced fare income from Covid-19.
City of Edinburgh Council has failed to identify the potential costs of exiting emergency Covid-19 traffic reduction schemes, according to its internal auditors.
City of Edinburgh Council will progress with a £30m housing pilot which could see former council homes sold back to the authority to cover essential repairs.
City of Edinburgh Council’s use of its general fund reserves is unsustainable and will be unable to cover future economic shocks, Audit Scotland has warned.