Increasing the weekly maximum adult social care charge would partially offset the inflation councils have experienced, the Welsh Government has said while insisting it still plans to make care...
Existing council spending pressures and the lack of long-term funding certainty could put the government’s 10-year reform programme at risk, the National Audit Office has said.
A lack of resources is preventing local authorities from prioritising investment in preventative children’s services, care and police inspectorates have warned.
The failure to adopt radical and fully funded long term children’s care reforms represents a “missed opportunity”, a House of Lords Committee has said.
Sporadic funding at the onset of Covid-19 following a decade of underinvestment left social care with an “array of weaknesses” that hampered services during the pandemic, researchers have said.
Any ambition to fix the social care sector will fail without sufficient political will to provide a sustainable long-term funding settlement, service leaders have warned.
Conflicting regulations and insufficient funding mean local authorities are struggling to meet the needs of children in care, a senior officer has warned.
Plans to halve proposed funding to revitalise the social care workforce show the government is not serious about improving and investing in the sector, experts have said.
Proposals to improve oversight and transparency in the children’s care market are unlikely to significantly reduce costs without action on profiteering, experts have warned.