The government has set up a cross-party review of adult social care to propose ways to transform the sector, which has faced years of failed or unpopular proposals, and deal with one of the UK’s most...
English councils may need to spend much more than the government has forecast when implementing reforms aimed at reducing the long-term cost of social care.
Local authorities in England should be mandated to work more collaboratively as part of a system reset aimed at reducing profiteering in children’s care, according to an independent review.
Social care pressures saw some local authorities take “unorthodox measures” to balance their books, leading to a spike in upheld complaints last year, according to the sector's ombudsman.
The Department of Health and Social Care is ‘complacent’ about the risks of financial failure in local care provision, according to Parliament's Public Accounts Committee.
Social care provision should remain outsourced despite the problems in the sector, King’s Fund director of policy Sally Warren told a Public Finance Live conference session on care reform after Covid...