Current redundancy terms for civil servants will remain in place until at least the end of this year, the government has told the Public and Commercial Services Union.
The Treasury’s focus on controlling public spending in the short term risks value for money over the long term, according to the UK’s spending watchdog.
The National Fraud Initiative has saved the government more than £300m across the UK over the past two financial years – a record since the exercise began.
The government has spent at least £239m on 26 inquiries since 2005 but does not monitor their effectiveness, the official public spending watchdog has revealed today.
The Cabinet Office has re-launched a strategy to move government department back office functions to shared cloud networks, following scathing criticism by the Public Audit Committee.
The government has called on councils and other public sector bodies to join the Cabinet Office’s National Fraud Initiative after a review found it had saved almost £200m in two years.
The government has reported significant progress towards meeting transparency targets laid out in its open government action plan, according to an examination of progress.
Half of all councils in England are now part of the government’s One Public Estate programme following the latest expansion of the property sharing scheme, the Cabinet Office has announced.
Poor government planning of Whitehall staffing requirements is leading to an increase in spending on temporary staff that represents a waste of taxpayer money at a time of deficit reduction, the...
The chair of the Public Accounts Committee has accused some Whitehall departments of “playing fast and loose with taxpayers’ money” after a report found spending on consultants and temporary staff...
The Cabinet Office is developing plans for a separate senior payscale for commercial project managers within the civil service, which could include finance roles.
Performance-related pay for civil servants and a ‘more porous’ border with the private sector will be introduced to Whitehall over the next five years, Cabinet Office minister Matthew...
Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude has set out plans to increase the transparency of government outsourcing contracts by introducing a presumption in favour of disclosing information, including...
A programme to develop civil servants’ project management skills has been established by the Cabinet Office as part of government moves to improve the performance of major taxpayer-funded schemes.