An outdated funding model has pushed councils into a financial crisis and requires fundamental reform – not simply increasing the reliance on a regressive council tax system – a group of MPs has said.
Local authorities in the most deprived areas of England have faced government cuts far outstripping those faced by the richest areas – a situation one council leader said needs to be reversed “for ‘...
Reforming local taxation to include surcharges on out-of-town businesses could help to arrest decades of decline in Scottish town centres, MSPs have said.
Boris Johnson’s ministers rushed out a series of announcements that will impact on local government finances in the final three days of his leadership.
Councils have called for clarity over proposed compensation levels after the government announced it will press ahead with plans to remove large telecom companies and railway services from local...
Levelling up secretary Michael Gove has said England’s directly elected mayors should be given control of business rates in order to boost devolution and aid the government’s economic vision for...
Councils' level of business rates income held in reserve to cover future appeals rose by almost a third last year – representing an increase of almost £1bn.
The government has shied away from a fundamental reform of the business rate system in the 2021 Autumn Budget and Spending Review, with experts saying councils still lack long-term...
The government must take seriously ideas for tax devolution, including local income and tourist levies, to give councils in England more certainty over funding, according to MPs.
A future Labour government would replace non-domestic rates with a fairer system to ease the burden on smaller high street firms, shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves has announced.
The Scottish government has unveiled proposals for council tax and business rate reforms, including a realignment of rate bands, in a consultation on a new framework for tax policy.
More frequent business rates valuations in England would be a “positive step” but must happen alongside other reforms to the wider council funding system, the Local Government Association has told...
The government will compensate English and Welsh councils as it proposes moving responsibility for collecting more than £300m of business rates tax to the Treasury.
Local authorities in England and Wales are losing close to £110m per year from business rates “loopholes” on holiday homes, according to research from property consultancy Colliers.
The government has proposed a three-year valuation period for business rates, alongside changes to the appeals process, in a bid to make the system more effective.
Government figures released today show a sharp rise in business rate and council tax arrears - PF speaks to local authority finance officers about the factors behind the figures.
The Court of Appeal has thrown out an appeal from the London Borough of Merton which argued that a Nuffield Health leisure centre should be fully liable for business rates.
Tom Kiernan, associate at law firm Dentons, says a landmark Supreme Court appeal on alleged business rates avoidance is good news for local authorities.