Northern Ireland’s civil servants have warned that “sub-optimal” budgets will lead to further cuts that could constrain council services and worsen court delays.
The Northern Irish Executive will be allowed to pay back a near-£300m overspend over two years rather than one, easing some of the huge pressure on departments that had been expected, but a UK...
Two county councils could issue section 114 notices “within the next year or so” as they struggle with high inflation and rising service demand without additional funding.
Scottish ministers have tabled around £500m of cuts to planned revenue and capital spending due to “enormous strains” on the devolved administration’s 2022-23 budget.
Liverpool City Council has been warned that failing to meet in-year cut targets will put pressure on future budgets, harming the authority’s medium-term financial stability.
Government debt could peak at more than three times GDP over the long-term without tax rises or spending reductions, the Office for Budget Responsibility has warned.
A lack of comprehensive data is hampering the government’s ability to track how funding cuts have impacted councils in England, according to the Institute for Government.
The lack of a multi-year funding settlement for local government has left Hampshire County Council with a £80m shortfall in the next two years, it says.
Thousands of children could miss out on care unless the government clarifies what councils must legally provide as they cut services, the Children’s Commissioner has told PF.