Ministerial envoys are to be sent into Tower Hamlets Council after concerns were raised about a “toxic” culture within the borough and serious concerns over leadership and governance.
Warrington Borough Council is to face an investigation after figures revealed it is £1.8bn in debt – five and a half times its total service expenditure – but the authority insists its commercial...
A central body with powers to oversee local authorities could help prevent disasters similar to the recent collapses in the sector, experts have told PF.
The lack of internal scrutiny ahead of Thurrock Council’s collapse proves the importance of councillor training and financial understanding, experts have said.
Liverpool City Council has been warned that failing to meet in-year cut targets will put pressure on future budgets, harming the authority’s medium-term financial stability.
External auditors for a council in north-east England have threatened to issue statutory recommendations because “deep-rooted” relationship issues between officers and councillors are undermining...
Liverpool City Council has capacity challenges in many of its corporate services including finance, puttng improvement plans at risk, according to government-appointed commissioners.
Concerns raised by legal and finance officers over land sales by Liverpool City Council went ignored, according to the damning report likely to lead to commissioners being imposed at the authority.
A government review has uncovered a litany of mismanagement relating to procurement, standalone companies and property-related services by Liverpool City Council.
The government is poised to appoint commissioners to take over the day-to-day running of Liverpool City Council following a corruption probe, according to reports.