The Welsh Government has been warned that its target of building 20,000 new social homes by 2026 will not be met unless significant additional funding is ploughed into the scheme.
Concerns have been raised over the financial sustainability of the NHS in Wales after all seven Welsh health boards breached their duty to break even over three years.
The Welsh health board embroiled in a financial scandal is in a more “stable position” due to stronger leadership and better working relationships, the national watchdog has said.
NHS Wales spending on agency staff continued to rise last year as health boards struggled to recruit and retain staff, the nation’s spending watchdog has said.
Concerns over weak financial management and poor procurement have prompted Audit Wales to publish rare public interest reports against two authorities.
The lack of money put towards recruiting and training staff will hinder Welsh councils’ enforcement of post-Grenfell building safety reforms, the spending watchdog has said.
Better collaboration between community groups and Welsh councils is crucial to maintaining services amid ever-tightening budgets, the national watchdog has said.
A Welsh council has admitted there is “more to be done” to improve its asset management after the national watchdog warned the authority it does not hold all the appropriate data.
The Welsh health service will need more money from the devolved government to deal with its large backlog of people stuck on waiting lists, a spending watchdog has said, before warning that funding...
A spending watchdog has advised a Welsh authority to seek ministerial assistance after continued governance problems meant it failed to make progress on statutory recommendations.
A Welsh council breached procurement laws on two occasions over a waste management contract with a subsidiary company, a spending watchdog has concluded.
A county’s decision to give a former chief executive a £95,000 exit payment failed to follow internal policies and procedures and was unlawful, according to Audit Wales.
A continued lack of clarity over the responsibilities of officers and members at Powys County Council is “hindering effective scrutiny”, according to the Welsh spending watchdog.
Tight funding settlements will leave Welsh authorities with difficult decisions on which services to prioritise, as the nation recovers from Covid-19, according to its spending watchdog.
Insourcing ICT services has saved the Welsh Government two thirds less than expected, and the full benefits are yet to be realised, according to a report from Audit Wales.
An ambitious IT system for health boards and local authorities in Wales is taking longer to roll out and more “costly than expected”, according to Audit Wales.
The Welsh spending watchdog has warned councils of a significant increase in risk from fraud due to Covid-19, after uncovering £8m of fraud or overpayment over the past two years.