Slough Borough Council will need to sell £100m of property in the next nine months if it is to repay much of its short-term debt without its interest rates effectively quadrupling.
The government has outlined plans to shrink the size of its office portfolio by £1.5bn to help reduce running costs and provide funding to maintain properties.
Hybrid working arrangements will allow East Hampshire District Council to downsize its office, costing £1.7m but with the promise of saving nearly twice that in the coming decade.
The government has closed a loophole that might have allowed councils to use capital receipts to fund revenue costs relating to workforce and service reforms while retaining some kind of ownership of...
Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council is set to terminate a private finance initiative contract early to help slim down its office portfolio and deliver savings.
A coastal council in the south of England has paused its plans to sell valuable beach huts amid discussions with the government over £54m of financing flexibilities, it has emerged.
The lack of good data on the location and occupancy of government properties is hindering Whitehall’s ability to manage its portfolio, the National Audit Office has said.
The Northern Irish spending watchdog has found that a council’s agreements relating to two pieces of land were unlawful, with auditors saying the deals point to a culture of “bypassing best practice...
The London Borough of Croydon is set to sell two properties to reduce the amount of borrowing it needs to fund exceptional capital freedoms granted by central government.
External auditors have issued a number of statutory recommendations to Sandwell Council, following what it said was a breakdown of relations between senior officers and members and a lack...
The government should not provide additional financial flexibilites to Peterborough City Council unless it offloads at least £43.5m of property, according to a review by CIPFA.
Slough Borough Council will need to recoup hundreds of millions of pounds from property sales to help fill a budget deficit following this month’s Section 114 notice, according to its finance chief.