The government has set up a cross-party review of adult social care to propose ways to transform the sector, which has faced years of failed or unpopular proposals, and deal with one of the UK’s most...
Cuts to care services are necessary to address a large funding gap next year at East Sussex County Council, the authority warned as it agreed to consult on savings proposals for next year.
The government scrapping “underfunded” adult social care charging reforms to save money does not solve major challenges the sector faces, and short-term fixes – including more funding – are needed...
Increasing the weekly maximum adult social care charge would partially offset the inflation councils have experienced, the Welsh Government has said while insisting it still plans to make care...
Low funding will mean Welsh councils have to cut frontline services in 2024-25, contrary to a claim from the Welsh Government that these services would be protected, a Senedd committee has warned.
Proposals to improve training and career prospects for care workers to help alleviate an ongoing workforce crisis may only “scratch the surface” and ignore the impact of low pay, experts have said.
Existing council spending pressures and the lack of long-term funding certainty could put the government’s 10-year reform programme at risk, the National Audit Office has said.
Growing care demand and rising costs following a decade of underfunding have created a forecast £132m gap in Hampshire County Council’s finances by 2025-26.
Councils will need £8.3bn more funding to meet care demand in 2032-33, but this number would need to more than double if authorities are to improve care access and fund reforms, the Health Foundation...
Almost three-quarters of councils in England have used reserves to pay for ballooning adult social care costs – a fact care leaders have highlighted as unsustainable.
Sporadic funding at the onset of Covid-19 following a decade of underinvestment left social care with an “array of weaknesses” that hampered services during the pandemic, researchers have said.
Any ambition to fix the social care sector will fail without sufficient political will to provide a sustainable long-term funding settlement, service leaders have warned.
Funding given to care homes in the first year of the pandemic led to a sharp rise in dividend payments in some large companies while staff in the sector struggled with low pay and high workloads,...
Plans to halve proposed funding to revitalise the social care workforce show the government is not serious about improving and investing in the sector, experts have said.
The economy would benefit by billions of pounds per year if healthcare waiting lists are reduced in line with government plans, but doing so will be impossible without investment in the social care...
Ministers should use Wednesday’s budget as an opportunity to provide a sustainable long term funding settlement for the social care sector or risk exacerbating existing care issues, experts have said.
Delaying its controversial flagship social care policy gives the Scottish Government time to engage with councils over the reforms, local leaders have said.
Councils will be unable to meet the swelling demand for social care without additional funding to help alleviate the ongoing crisis in recruitment and retention, experts have said.
Government plans to join up healthcare services will fail unless long-term issues over funding disparity between the NHS and social care are fixed, MPs have warned.