Nurses will strike in hospitals across most of the UK on 15 and 20 December after the government turned down more talks, but health secretary Steve Barclay has defended the current pay offer.
Council spending on key services in England has fallen by £7.8bn a year since 2010 with poorer communities being hit hardest, analysis by the Trade Union Congress has found.
Unite and Birmingham City Council look to have reached agreement over a long-running dispute that has seen bin collections disrupted by strikes and an overtime ban.
The public sector pay restraint has left a third of civil servants looking to quit their jobs “as soon as possible”, a survey by the FDA union has warned.
Votes for strike action in public services including health, education, transport, fire and rescue, and border security will need to be supported by at least 40% of union members if they are to go...
Government plans to insist strike ballots in key services meet a minimum support threshold will deny millions of public sector workers a voice at work, trade unions have said.
There is mounting criticism from the IMF of George Osborne's austerity programme. But endless moving of the goalposts has obscured the fact that his entire fiscal framework is not fit for purpose