Through the implementation of the Procurement Act, value for money will remain a high priority but public money will also be directed towards tangible social, economic and environmental benefits,...
David Skinner is director of customer experience within Crown Commercial Service (CCS). He and his team focus on engaging and maintaining relationships with CCS’s 20,000...
Liverpool City Council will now look for its contracts to deliver wider economic benefits after the authority recognised it has so far “not consistently delivered meaningful social value through its...
Brexit brings with it an opportunity to embed social value into public procurement practices, says Matthew Jackson of the Centre for Local Economic Strategies
Social investment has been hyped as the solution to myriad problems. And there’s much to recommend it—but the new government should steer clear of the over-excited rhetoric
It’s probably time to give up on the idea that central government has the political will to fix local government’s problems. We need a bottom-up transformation of how local services work.
Tougher regulation of the private-rented sector is needed in order to stop landlords from exploiting the housing crisis at the expense of taxpayers and tenants, according to the Civitas think-tank.
Local government minister Kris Hopkins has today awarded grants to 73 public service integration schemes that are expected to lead to more than £900m in efficiencies across the public sector.
Policy Exchange has encouraged politicians from all parties to develop a plan to improve the condition of Britain’s social housing estates. The think-tank said decades of neglect had led to social...