The government has set up a cross-party review of adult social care to propose ways to transform the sector, which has faced years of failed or unpopular proposals, and deal with one of the UK’s most...
Urgent action is needed to tackle a crisis in adult social care brought on by decades of inaction and short-term fixes, the government has been warned.
More than four in five councils are expected to overspend their adult social care budgets this year, according to a new survey which reveals the “growing and urgent” strain under which services are...
The government is being urged to take “immediate and decisive” action to tackle a workforce crisis in adult social care that is putting councils under mounting financial strain.
Cuts to care services are necessary to address a large funding gap next year at East Sussex County Council, the authority warned as it agreed to consult on savings proposals for next year.
The government scrapping “underfunded” adult social care charging reforms to save money does not solve major challenges the sector faces, and short-term fixes – including more funding – are needed...
Social care visa applications have plummeted since the introduction of a ban on overseas workers bringing dependants into the UK, according to the latest figures.
Proposals to improve training and career prospects for care workers to help alleviate an ongoing workforce crisis may only “scratch the surface” and ignore the impact of low pay, experts have said.
Councils will need £8.3bn more funding to meet care demand in 2032-33, but this number would need to more than double if authorities are to improve care access and fund reforms, the Health Foundation...
Almost three-quarters of councils in England have used reserves to pay for ballooning adult social care costs – a fact care leaders have highlighted as unsustainable.
Sporadic funding at the onset of Covid-19 following a decade of underinvestment left social care with an “array of weaknesses” that hampered services during the pandemic, researchers have said.
Any ambition to fix the social care sector will fail without sufficient political will to provide a sustainable long-term funding settlement, service leaders have warned.