Bus provision was cut between 2011 and 2023 at a rate 10 times higher in the most deprived areas of England compared with the least deprived, according to the IPPR North think-tank.
The bus sector is worth more than £11bn a year to the British economy, while bus services contribute almost £40bn every year to local economies, according to a research report.
The removal of rural bus routes has forced authorities to provide unsustainable ‘demand-responsive’ services and prompted the County Councils Network to call for additional money.
Recovering passenger levels and a real-terms reduction in running costs will help Transport for London reach an operating surplus a year after it agreed funding settlement with the government.
A government-imposed savings target could lead to “unacceptable” cuts to pension benefits at Transport for London, which faces the threat of further industrial action if such cuts were to happen.
The government has reached an agreement with Transport for London to supply £1.2bn of funding and additional capital support to avoid a “managed decline” in services.
Failing to agree a new funding settlement with the government could leave Transport for London at risk of issuing a section 114 notice and having to stop all non-essential spending, its finance...
A judge has ruled in favour of Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham’s plan to bring bus services back under public control after two companies brought a judicial review against the plans.
Transport for London has agreed a new three-month £200m funding package with the government, to help keep services running while a long-term settlement is arranged.
The former operator of London and South Eastern Railway has returned £50m of funding overpayments to central government - more than £25m originally estimated.
The government has agreed to extend Transport for London’s support package until the end of this week, as the network seeks an agreement on a long-term funding settlement.
Mayors and council leaders in the Northern England are seeking discussions with the government to revive plans for a high-speed rail link to Leeds through a mechanism to capture rises in land values.
Transport for London’s finances have been “durably and materially weakened” by Covid-19, ratings agency Moody’s said as it downgraded the body's rating for the second time since the start of the...
Five-year business plans by a new oversight body, Great British Railways, will inform government decisions on funding for the rail sector under a shake-up of the system announced by the government.
The Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s decision to press ahead with a £135m franchising plan is premature, according operators bringing a legal challenge.
The government has confirmed hundreds of millions of extra pounds in emergency Covid-19 support for Transport for London and tram services suffering due to reduced passenger numbers.
Proposed cuts to government funding for public transport body Transport for the North would “undermine levelling-up” and put planned improvement works at risk, according to the group’s finance chief.