Joe Tilley, sustainability and strategic portfolio director at Crown Commercial Service, explores some ways to ensure public procurement contributes to cutting emissions.
The Welsh government will give more than 500 people leaving care a guaranteed income of £1,600 per month for two years to help them along in their transition to adulthood.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s announcement of a £500m extension to a hardship fund distributed via top-tier local authorities provides a mere “drop in the ocean” compared to the scale of the cost of...
The government’s forthcoming Levelling Up White Paper needs to dispel the impression that the government sees it mainly as a means of channelling investment in physical infrastructure, says Leah...
Public Accounts Committee chair Meg Hillier and HCLG committee chair Clive Betts take issue with recent findings by the Financial Reporting Council on local authority audit.
A much-welcomed increase in resources cannot paper over the cracks in the way central government delivers much of its funding for local government, says CIPFA chief executive Rob Whiteman.
Tax rises included in chancellor Rishi Sunak’s Autumn 2021 Budget could be preparing the way for a cut in rates before the next election, says Dan Corry.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has defied expectations by delivering a Budget that would not have looked out of place if it had been announced by New Labour, says Jonathan Werran.
Poor quality assessments by departmental accounting officers have reduced the value for money of government spending during the Covid-19 pandemic, a Public Accounts Committee report has found.
Two important new documents provide the basis for stronger and more efficient public sector procurement as we emerge from Covid-19, says Crown Commercial Service chief executive Simon Tse.
Mounting costs relating to a block of flats with dangerous cladding could lead to a local authority lending millions to a council-owned company – money it admits might not be fully paid back
The cost of government responses to Covid-19 in Northern Ireland topped £6bn as both Stormont and Westminster worked to fight the health and economic crises caused by the virus.
New procurement guidance that aims to push the wider benefits of public spending alongside value for money will only have “teeth” once legislation is adopted, according to experts.
Dominic Cummings, the prime minister’s former adviser, described the Department of Health’s procurement system as “completely useless” at dealing with Covid-19, but praised chancellor Rishi Sunak in...
Despite significant support from central government, the outlook for local authority finances is uncertain, says National Audit Office director Aileen Murphie.