Clackmannanshire Council has been told to urgently address its financial situation, with auditors warning that its approach to balancing the books is unsustainable in the face of deteriorating...
Local government services need urgent and fundamental reform if they are to be made sustainable, the County Councils Network has said as the 2024 general election campaign moves forward.
An end to deciding spending in Whitehall is key to creating a new UK, says Jonathan Werran, chief executive of Localis, the local government think-tank.
Councils in Wales could become the first in the UK to get the power to tax overnight visitors in their areas, with proposals now being consulted on that the Welsh Government hopes would protect local...
An MP has asked the government for clarity on where ‘levelling up’ money is being distributed around the UK, suggesting the array of funding pots makes it “difficult, if not impossible” to see which...
Larger councils do not necessarily perform more efficiently than smaller ones, and the best outcomes are achieved through working in partnership, according to a new report.
The government has announced more details on how it plans to simplify the funding landscape for areas looking to boost economic development following criticism from local government of the current...
The government has said it will set up a new ‘local net zero forum’ to support councils in contributing to the national ambition of reaching net zero emissions.
After prime minister Boris Johnson spoke of ‘catch up ketchup’ in his detail-light ‘levelling up’ speech in Coventry, Localis head of research Joe Fyans asks if devolution and local leadership can...
Councils need to stop waiting for rules from central government and start working innovatively to transform their services and adapt to the future, a Public Finance Live 2021 panel heard.
Sedgemoor District Council leader Duncan McGinty makes the case for a two-unitary solution to Somerset’s upcoming reorganisation of local government structures.
The March Budget must kick off with a devolution parliament if the government is to even begin to repair the damage caused by centralisation, argues Luke Raikes of IPPR North.