The forthcoming shake-up of government procurement may be undermined by the difficulty of excluding major suppliers even in the worst cases of poor performance, a report has warned.
Prevention must be embedded into the next government’s spending programme if it is to avoid higher taxes or a deterioration in public services, a leading think-tank has warned.
Ministers should use Wednesday’s budget as an opportunity to provide a sustainable long term funding settlement for the social care sector or risk exacerbating existing care issues, experts have said.
The new prime minister would face a £23bn cost if they want to help shelter households from the ongoing cost-of-living crisis by scaling up a previously announced scheme with inflation, a leading...
A lack of comprehensive data is hampering the government’s ability to track how funding cuts have impacted councils in England, according to the Institute for Government.
The UK government should look to create its own state aid system after the Brexit transitional agreement ends, according to the Institute for Government.
Bringing back outsourced services from the private sector could improve quality, increase reliability, and save money, according to a report from think-tank the Institute for Government.
A “radical economic package” should be put in place to help kick-start the economy post-coronavirus, according to a report from the Institute for Government.
Predicted government spending worth nearly £200bn by the mid 2020s will be just enough to meet demand but will not be sufficient to improve and expand key public services, a major report has found.
Government outsourcing contract failures have wasted millions of pounds - but a blanket approach to switch to in house provision would be costly, a think-tank has warned.
The government must accelerate its ambitious reforms to modernise the civil service and back this with increased funding, the Institute for Government has stated.
Constant upheaval and changes of direction in government policy are hugely costly in both human and economic terms, the Institute for Government warns in a paper published today.
The government has improved the way it manages outsourced public services contracts, but these reforms are fragile and could still fail, the Institute for Government has warned.
Polling published today by the Institute for Government has found the public is more likely to believe politicians will prioritise running government effectively than they were in 2014, but the...