The communities secretary has postponed implementation of changes to local government funding following the Fair Funding Review and to business rates retention.
Inherent problems with the housing planning system in England mean the government is “way off track” for reaching its goal of 300,000 new homes each year, MPs have claimed.
After 26 years representing his constituents in parliament, Clive Betts has become a part of the Westminster furniture, but, as PF’s Dominic Brady discovers, his passion for local government is far...
A wide-reaching parliamentary inquiry is likely to be launched into local government finances, the chair of the housing, communities and local government select committee Clive Betts has revealed to...
The £35m of funding councils in England will share to help them cope with Brexit is only half of what the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government asked for.
Councils’ spending power could rise to £46.4bn next year, a real-terms increase, local government secretary James Brokenshire revealed as he published the provisional settlement today.
The communities secretary is set to give the green light to a single unitary authority for Buckinghamshire despite opposition from the county’s district councils.
Ahead of his CIPFA conference address, former financier Rishi Sunak talks to PF’s Emily Twinch about how his business background will stand him in good stead as he gets to grips with his local...
Central government will not financially abandon local authorities – even as grants are phased out in favour of business rate revenue, local government minister Rishi Sunak has promised PF.